Tuesday, August 18, 2015


To get straight to the point, I have been on an extremely long hiatus from the world of blogging and before I get back to business as usual I would like to express some personal feeling and clarify some speculations. First thing first, I absolutely love my business/promo blog. To me, if 1 person or 1000 people view this blog, it's always worth the time it takes every time I write one. Not one person goes unnoticed and that is the sole purpose for my efforts. The reason I had to take time away from my blog is to really look at the bigger picture. Anything that has longevity is created with a bigger picture in mind. It's nice to have hobbies but what I want for this blog is to go beyond a hobby. I want to build something concrete that will create outlets for aspiring entrepreneurs who need promotional opportunities and support. I have since then created a business plan. I wont express what that is in full but it is like nothing we have in this area so I am excited for it and pray that it progresses.

With that being said, I also have an amazing opportunity to do some promotional blog work for a website of a well known person out of Cleveland Ohio, that I will not mention until the time is right... Sorry for the wait, haha but it's coming.. As of right now I will start September 1st.. This is a project I have created from head to toe and has consumed a lot of my time, so God willing it'll be successful and may doors continue to open for me.

Now that is all said and done make sure you all read my next blog.. Let's just say.. "Self Explanatory, Im just here to spread the story" - Drake

Self- Explanatory

To say the least, this young man that I will be introducing on my blog tonight is one hell of a hard worker. His persistence to become great is paying off in a major way. We came together to create this blog about 2 months ago and within that amount of time he had spoken his barber shop into existence and that has surely has come to pass. He is now officially the owner of G's Chop Shop in Youngstown Ohio. If you don’t know who I am talking about, I would like to introduce to you Gary Thornton. For all of you who are acquainted with Gary you know he has many talents. Today I will be giving you a glimpse of Gary Thornton the amazing barber.

Gary Thornton, born April 21st 1990 in Youngstown Ohio, was a stellar athlete his whole life. Not only was he a stellar athlete, he always indulged in cutting hair and loved music. At a young 25 years of age he has taken his hobbies to a whole different level!  Who knew that these hobbies would turn into life changing careers. As a barber Gary Thornton is one of the youngest entrepreneurs to create something great from a dream. Not only has he created something for himself, but Gary also continues to find time to give back to the community. He is nothing short of an inspiration and that is why he was chosen for today's feature. Let's get some insight of what goes through Gary's mind as a young entrepreneur in the world of barbering....

 1. What is the name of your company?
My barber shop is called G's Chop Shop.

2. Tell me a little bit about what your business is offering?
We offer top of the line barber services. We cover all walks of life.

 3. What inspired you to start your own business?
Just from being motivated to do the best for myself. It started from my dj history, I like cutting my own checks. Lol

4. What is the hardest part about starting/owning a business?
Every business has rough patches. When business isn't going in the ideal direction, you have to build a solid foundation to withstand hard times.

 5. What is the best part about starting/owning a business?
The best part about starting a business is that you can really mold your business exactly to your liking. You have the ability to put your self emphasis all over the business.

 6. What is a "must have" when building your brand?
 The biggest thing you need is a brand that makes everybody look twice. Make sure you visuals are the best as possible. Make the logo Juno out and grab people in.

 7.What makes what you offer to this world unique?
One thing that I can say about my services is that everyone in my clientele is like an extension of my family. I know a lot about a lot of people. They confide in me and I don't take it lightly. There is a common love between me and my clients.

 8 How can we contact you for your services?
I have online booking for all services, at www.styleseat.com/Igetit330

 9.Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years?
I see myself expanding onto opening more salons and barber shops, and also getting into real estate

 10.  Name one other person that is offering a service that you would like to see featured in my blog?
Dj GetiT!!!!

11. Any words of advice or encouragement for people reading this blog?
Be true to yourself and your dreams. Create your own vision. And don't worry about no one shooting your dreams down. People thought I was gonna be the next great athlete. I turned out to be the first great barber named  Gary Thornton. Much love

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Well here goes everything... After all the late nights of brainstorming and so many frustrating days, I never knew what I wanted to do with life. I searched high and low. Went to school with doubt in my mind but because it's what we're "supposed" to do that's what I did. Not discouraging anyone from getting their education but Within the last year I realize more than ever what I want to do in life isn't in the text books. There isn't a brochure or any map that would direct me to my dream. My hands are itching with determination. Working for myself will be my success and helping others will be my reward. I pray that I receive the support I need as I support others. 
Goodnight for now.